This site was a collaboration of Bethany Rusen and John Bragazzi. All writing, all graphics and all photographs were done by Bethany Rusen. All coding, plus lots of good advice and patience, was done by John Bragazzi. If you feel any urge to borrow images or code from this site, please email Bethany or John and ask permission.

Please take a moment and leave your comments about this site by Signing the Guestbook.

Prints of any of the photos on this site are available for sale. Please email Bethany for further information.

If you would like to link to this site, please download a link banner below. Then just email me to let me know that you have.

Thanks is also in order to Paul Lawler, who accompanied me on the two day excursion to Centralia on March 8 and 9, 2000. He took a lot of excellent pictures as well, which I'm hoping will eventually be on this site in some form or another.

While this will remain essentially a static website for the most part, I may return to Centralia again at some point, in which case I will document that trip as well. I'm also hoping to have Paul's pictures up here eventually as well. So stay tuned, and in the meantime, enjoy what's here.

This site must be viewed in a browser that supports frames, style sheets and JavaScript. This means you probably need MSIE 4.0 and above (though I must say, it looks fab in 5.0), Netscape 4.0 or higher, or Opera 3.0 or higher. Please report any broken links and error messages to John.

The entire site was hand-coded, using a variety of text editors, including BBEdit Lite (for the Mac), Notespad (for Windows) and QEdit (for DOS, still the best).